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2020-09-02 14:13:27| 来源:张家口中公教育

提到词义句意题,首先同学们拿到题目,第一步大家一定要先识别出这是一道词义句意题。我们可以根据题干去进行识别,常见的问法是:......means that .....。识别出题型后第二步进行解题。对于词义句意题,我们可以根据语义关系去进行解题。那么我们需要了解都有哪些语义关系可以帮助我们解题。我们将这些语义关系分成两大种:1.语义一致;2.语义相反。

首先我们先来看一下语义一致,语义一致分成三种:1.并列;2.总分;3.论点论据。第一种并列关系是大家最熟悉不过的一种,常见的并列词有:and; as well as; or; similarly; not only...but also; either...or...; neither...nor...; both...and...; in parallel with...。除了词之外,还有一个特别重要的识别标志就是:分号。第二个是总分关系,总分关系如何识别呢?可以到文章中找反复出现的表达。第三个是论点和论据的关系,其实论点和论据关系本质上来讲也是总分关系,但是识别起来相对来说有点困难,所以我们重点来讲一下。论据的类型总共分三种:事实论据;人物观点论据以及数字论据。这些论据的前边往往就是论点出现的位置了。

语义相反也有三种常见的关系:1.转折;2.对比;3.让步。第一种转折关系,常见的转折词有:but; however; nevertheless; yet。第二种让步关系,常见的关系词有:though; although; while; even if; even though; despite; in spite of。第三种对比关系,常见的关系词有:by contrast; on the contrary; whereas; while。


(2010 年 text 3) ....For a social epidemic to occur, however, each person so affected must then influence his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence theirs, and so on; and just how many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the initial influential. If people in the network just two degrees removed from the initial influential prove resistant, for example, the cascade of change won’t propagate very far or affect many people.

34. The underlined phrase “these people” in paragraph 4 refers to the ones who ______.

[A] stay outside the network of social influence

[B] have little contact with the source of influence

[C] are influenced and then influence others

[D] are influenced by the initial influential

首先我们拿到题目先去识别,识别出来之后,我们看到these people出现在文章的倒数第三行,然后我们看一看前后有没有可以帮助大家解题的语义关系,我们看到了and ,and表示并列,前后并列的两个句子语义一定是一致的吧,那么我们可以看看and前边那句话是什么意思,前边 each person so affected must then influence his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence theirs,说的是这些人受到别人影响,转而又去影响其他人,并且周而复始。根据这个句子我们可以了解,这些人指的就是:受到影响又去影响其他人的人。正确答案就是:C选项。





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