1. According to the sales director, Ms. Elms is ----- to one of our subsidiaries to collaborate with its sales team.
A. delivering
B. visiting
C. transferring
D. replacing
2. We need to conduct extensive background research on the firms from ----- we received bids.
A. which
B. where
C. that
D. when
3. The director decided to delegate some of the work to a subcontractor after his employees ----- help with the project.
A. inquired
B. requested
C. asked
D. insisted
4. Employees ----- to transfer to the new branch office will receive reimbursements for all moving expense, as well as a bonus.
A. direct
B. directed
C. directing
D. direction
5. Support structure under the Main St Bridge has corroded ----- faster than the bridge’s designer had predicted.
A. a lot
B. so too
C. very
D. real